I do not know what I may appear to the world; but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me. -Sir Issac Newton

Saturday, October 9, 2010

knock knock ...Conscience!

  Recently,  i received a E-mail  FW depicting how selfish, intriguing and opportunistic Indian policians can be .It was mildly funny with satirical photographs and commented with sarcastic humour. Quite immediately , we received replies criticising and booing the politicians further. As we see often, many of our fellow people show disdain for these politicians and express their hopelessness and anguish on them in common discussions ,debate ,forums etc . Agreed..anguish displayed is well justified.. But,yet,when we blame someone/body,how far we deserve to criticise? Many times these laments look more like a "Lets Satan too chant the bible !" kind of sermon.. Of course, we should do express our disapproval. But,also in parallel,lets  do some introspection. Lets question our conscience how much we care to be responsible to the nation's well being . How many instances we breach the ethical limits ?  Few thing which came to my mind ...how many of us don't jump traffic signals? took care not to litter public places?  refuse to buy pirated dvds/books ?  refused to pay bribe for passport when demanded by the policeman? don't squander public utilities like water/electricity?... and above all , how many of us vote?  Actually the list is quite long if we dig more . Everyone gets caught in more than one ways.
    The so-called 'politician' did not sprang up from no-where . He is from the common man. He is one among us if we just strip the 'politician' tag.  Politicians may be the 'heart' of a country's administration. But common man are the 'genes'. More so valid in a democratic setup like India.
We may not have the power to rout or civilize bad politicians altogether .We may not have the urge or time to foray into politics to clean the political system. But we have the power to change ourselves, our bad habits and 'i dont care' attitude , If we renovate our ourselves now , i guess , within 15yrs from now we can positively see a strong Indian administative setup fuelled by responsible ,earnest and honest politicians .

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